Workshop organizers
- Stéphane
Cotin, INRIA Lille, France
Vanderbilt University Nashville, USA Caroline
LSIIT / Université de Strasbourg, France
- Pierre
Jannin, LTSI / INSERM Rennes, France
Program Committee
- Richard Bayford, PhD, Middlesex University, UK
- Pierre-François D'Haese, PhD, Vanderbilt University, USA
- Sara Fernandez Vidal, PhD, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France
- Míriam Garcia, PhD, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland
- Claire Haegelen, MD, Hôpital Pontchaillou, France
- Young Soo Kim, MD, PhD, Hanyang University Medical Center, Korea
- Maud Marchal, PhD, IRISA / INRIA Rennes, France
- Srivatsan Pallavaram, PhD, Vanderbilt University, USA
- G.
Bruce Pike, PhD, McGill University, Canada
- Reuben Shamir, PhD, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
- Nada Yousif, PhD, Imperial College, UK
- Marie-Laure Welter, MD, Hôpital la Pitié-Salpêtrière, France
- Jérôme Yelnik, PhD, CRICM UPMC/Inserm, France